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By understanding the anatomy of the brain, we can individualize training to apply to not only your physical fitness, but fight degenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and Dementia.


Your eyes account for more of your sensory input than any other system in your body. By using specific visual drills, and training the muscles of the eyes, we can increase strength, body awareness, and cognitive function


Pain is a complex subject that is poorly understood and, many times, poorly handled. Understanding how pain works in your brain can open up a world of possibilities for rehab and healing chronic pain.


What does it take to performance at the highest level? How do we get that extra edge on the athletic field, or the extra weight in the gym? Knowing the intimate details of the way your brain works may by the missing piece to your success on and off the field.

A Neurocentric Approach to Fitness, Performance, and Pain

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